Friday, May 31, 2013

Comment on blinking LED

I stumbled upon very interesting comment on blinking LED. Read below

"We are blinking LEDs latest since the NE555 was introduced in 1972. It took us 10 minutes to do. By 2030 we will still try to blinking LEDs, using quantum computer boards. It will take us 30 years till we figure out how the OS and interfacing of a quantum computer works. By 2090 we will have 1:1 replica of our human brains available and spend our entire life to figure out how to interface a plain old LED and program the brain to make it blink..."

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Getting taste of 32bit and ARM - FRDM-KL25Z

I thought it is time to play around with ARM architecture based uControllers. The first one I wanted to lay my hands on was FRDM-KL25Z Development board from Freescale. It uses Freescale's Kinetis L Series KL2x MCUs families built on ARM® Cortex™-M0+ processor. The actual chip on the board is having the marking MKL25Z128FRDM. I ordered it through kitsnspares-element14.

The board did not have the female headers soldered and it looks like below.
I got the headers soldered so that I can connect external boards to explore the capability of this board. The beauty of this design was - it can take Arduino shields. Developer of this board took care to bring out power (5V & 3.3V) and GND signals exactly as that of Arduino so without fear we can plug in Arduino shield (that does not mean we will forget about the drive capability of on board power rails!).

I was having LCD Shield made by DFROBOT and first thing I wanted try was (I hope it is not difficult to guess)... yes it is the "hello world" program. 

What was the development environment? Again kudos to the developer of this kit. It can work with ; this is no-nonsense online development environment/tools. Using it I started exploring the board and see below pictures.

The code developed using mbed can be saved online and the for this blog can be accessed at